I had a most enjoyable and rewarding conversation last week on Innovation and Ecosystem design. It was partly through this conversation with Margot Nijkamp-Diesfeld and Rick Wielens of the Eco System Thinking Institute (ESTI), based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, that we got into the subject of creating different workshop concepts to stimulate those attending and draw out their greater awareness.
The idea of using all our sensory experiences came up, and I started to think, is there such a thing as having an innovator’s sensory profile? Would they be unique and help to unleash your inner innovator?
Should innovators be more attuned to details, nuances and changes in their environment, potentially allowing them to gather and process information uniquely to generate new insights and make more significant connections?
Over two posts, firstly here, I want to outline what might be in the attributes of an innovator’s sensory profile and in the second post following, the dynamics between sensory awareness and cognitive functions to realize the interconnected nature in seeing the shaping of our worlds in new and potentially radically different ways.
Continue reading “Discover your unique innovator’s Sensory Profile.”