Examples of Businesses navigating complexity by fostering Ecosystems.

Several business organizations have committed to navigating complexity, fostering dynamism and originality in approaching innovation and business ecosystems.

These have been addressing and adapting to these rapidly evolving changes by quickly spotting and seizing the potential of exploring new ways to undergo business.

We all recognise that markets are changing, complexity is growing, and challenges are more formidable to manage without extended help. This requires all businesses to face rapidly changing business environments to design their response rates and abilities to react differently. How radical will this be?

It is the connecting up of opportunities with the ability to design the solution in highly exploratory and exploitative ways of learning that begin to break down complexity and see new ways to evolve. This is where Ecosystems in thinking and design come in.

By reacting and exploring, searching for change and competitive advantage, each company below has explored through technology and partnerships opportunities that build upon their Ecosystem’s unique strengths.

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By Breaking Down Resistance to Business Ecosystems, we embrace them.

Breaking down Resistance to Business Ecosystems

Resistance to Business Ecosystems does need to be broken down and addressed to realize the power of Ecosystem thinking and design and its growing value to Enterprises.

So why are we not doing this today?

Adopting any business ecosystem-centric approach involves a significant shift in mindset, culture, and organizational structures.

While some forward-thinking organizations have embraced aspects of ecosystem thinking, there are several challenges and barriers that hinder widespread adoption.

In the suggested Hierarchy of Business Ecosystems, recognizing the value of an interconnected series of (dedicated) Ecosystems that build out innovation, business, dynamic flexibility, and connected enterprise layers does need to address the natural instincts to resist the adoption of business ecosystems in the fear of sharing what we know, against what we often don’t know as it is outside our restricted view.

The question is whether we need to recognise the opposite; it is the need to embrace building a different approach to the new business needs of fast-changing markets, constant change and growing complexity and opening up to different and diverse experience and knowledge gives us the greater potential to expand and build out new potential opportunities.

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The value of interconnecting layers within the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem Needs.

Interconnecting Layers for the Hierarchy of Ecosystem Needs

So, the value of establishing this hierarchy of business ecosystem in its needs requires understanding why it is depicted as interconnected layers. Is this establishing a new sustaining excellence for businesses?

They are when combined, collective in significance and impact and provide a higher level of radicality to present and offer as an alternative to today’s business and economic growth approach.

Why? Well, today, businesses are facing growing complexity and more demanding challenges. To gain growth and find new value, they must look far more toward managing collaborative ecosystems to co-create and build a sustainable platform to grow.

When I was thinking through this Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem Needs, I asked myself a series of reality checks to keep me on this path of discovery and validation.

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