Is Innovation evolving in the way I see it going?

Innovation is evolving, the future will be different

I have been asking Google’s Gemini a series of questions about innovation, how it has evolved in the past twenty-five years, and where it seems to be heading.

This is the third and final part of my questioning on looking towards the future and how innovation will evolve, starting from the original thread of looking over the evolution of innovation in the past twenty-five years, since 1999.

This post is about what has evolved and then what will evolve. There is a very different innovation pathway ahead of us, and then I touch upon a vastly different future at the end of this post.

Innovation will evolve very differently, linked tightly to the organization’s future design, no more cutting it loose, housed separately or outside the core.

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Have organizations become more collaborative over 25 years? What has enabled that?

Collaboration, Idealization and the enabling of innovation

I have have been looking back at innovation and how it has changed over the last twenty-five years. In a series of three posts, I have asked Google’s Gemini to answer five questions to track and trace the progress innovation has made and where it seems to be heading.

This is the second post looking more at collaboration and idealization and how and what has helped it evolve in this period. Hopefully, this change has enabled better value creation and learning how to innovate. (First post here)

So this post, in a series of three, looks at the answers given by Google’s Gemini on how collaboration and ideation evolved the organization’s ability to adapt and what helped.

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25 years of Innovation- how has it evolved? Has it been successful?

25 years looking back at Innovation’s evolution

I decided to hold a conversation with Google’s Gemini about how innovation had changed and hopefully progressed since I first became involved 25 years ago, when I lived in Singapore and was heavily involved in my MBA, which had innovation as an elective.

The MBA elective “hooked” me on innovation, and here I am 25 years later, still going on about innovation, championing, cajoling and encouraging innovation to be more central, disciplined and structured.

So I have taken the educational looking back from Gemini lense of perspective and broken this into three parts. I find it interesting and reaffirming. This is the first of these posts looking at the development, thinking and design of innovation from 1999 to today 2024, twenty-five years.

Innovation can be both highly frustrating and rewarding. It is good to gain a real sense of progress in these past 25 years; otherwise, where have I been?

I often feel innovation has not advanced in these past twenty-odd years, but having all the changes nicely summarized here makes me feel there has been a shape and purpose to be so actively involved in the evolution of innovation over these 25 years and been part of that evolution.

Firstly, this post outlines how innovation has evolved since 1999 and does a further recheck for 2019 until today. So, it covers a twenty-five-year period but recognizes that the last five years have seen a very different set of innovation accelerants.

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Returning to the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystems

Building out the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystems

In January of this year, I introduced the thinking behind “the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem needs.” This framework was outlined initially in a series of seven posts on my dedicated ecosystem posting site.

On this posting site here, I provided numerous supporting posts in “given” areas of Business Ecosystems that covered some areas I felt were important explainers. This filled a number of critical gaps in building a more comprehensive understanding of Business Ecosystems in their different parts for providing a “fitting” context.

If you go to the “Explore My Insights and Thinking” tag shown above, you will see there are two files you can download that provide all of these posts in a PDF format.

In all, I think I wrote 20-plus posts during the weeks that followed with a final post of “Why are we navigating to the New: A summary of the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem needs” By just reading this, you can pick up on a reasonable understanding of what I was suggesting.

My conclusions from that final post was

“The Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem Needs presents a holistic approach to navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape. It emphasizes collaborative ecosystems as the key to unlocking untapped potential, driving sustained growth, and achieving collective prosperity.

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The building blocks of open innovation lead towards Business Ecosystems.

The building blocks of open innovation building towards Business Ecosystem design.

By incorporating Open Innovation Strategies as the next building block, businesses can create a dynamic and expansive innovation ecosystem beyond internal and partnership and certain collaborative boundaries.

This approach supports a culture of continuous learning, adaptation, and external collaboration, positioning the organization for sustained success in an ever-evolving business landscape that recognizes and learns how to collaborate and co-create, moving towards recognizing the value of Business Ecosystems.

Embracing Open Innovation Strategies as the next building block complements the collaborative nature of Business Ecosystems and broadens the innovation landscape out into a world of new possibilities where collaboration, co-creation and cooperation become realised for building and delivering products, concepts, and services that have new unique value and impact.

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Examples of Businesses navigating complexity by fostering Ecosystems.

Several business organizations have committed to navigating complexity, fostering dynamism and originality in approaching innovation and business ecosystems.

These have been addressing and adapting to these rapidly evolving changes by quickly spotting and seizing the potential of exploring new ways to undergo business.

We all recognise that markets are changing, complexity is growing, and challenges are more formidable to manage without extended help. This requires all businesses to face rapidly changing business environments to design their response rates and abilities to react differently. How radical will this be?

It is the connecting up of opportunities with the ability to design the solution in highly exploratory and exploitative ways of learning that begin to break down complexity and see new ways to evolve. This is where Ecosystems in thinking and design come in.

By reacting and exploring, searching for change and competitive advantage, each company below has explored through technology and partnerships opportunities that build upon their Ecosystem’s unique strengths.

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By Breaking Down Resistance to Business Ecosystems, we embrace them.

Breaking down Resistance to Business Ecosystems

Resistance to Business Ecosystems does need to be broken down and addressed to realize the power of Ecosystem thinking and design and its growing value to Enterprises.

So why are we not doing this today?

Adopting any business ecosystem-centric approach involves a significant shift in mindset, culture, and organizational structures.

While some forward-thinking organizations have embraced aspects of ecosystem thinking, there are several challenges and barriers that hinder widespread adoption.

In the suggested Hierarchy of Business Ecosystems, recognizing the value of an interconnected series of (dedicated) Ecosystems that build out innovation, business, dynamic flexibility, and connected enterprise layers does need to address the natural instincts to resist the adoption of business ecosystems in the fear of sharing what we know, against what we often don’t know as it is outside our restricted view.

The question is whether we need to recognise the opposite; it is the need to embrace building a different approach to the new business needs of fast-changing markets, constant change and growing complexity and opening up to different and diverse experience and knowledge gives us the greater potential to expand and build out new potential opportunities.

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Emerging Blueprint for Thinking Through the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem Need

The Hierarchy Of Business Ecosystem Needs- A Blueprint View

Several vital considerations come into play in developing a blueprint to thrive and find solutions that provide growth and fresh impact to a business amidst growing complexity and uncertainty. One that argues for a different business approach, with Ecosystem thinking and design being central.

When I was pulling together my view of the needs and contributions Ecosystems can provide businesses, I recognized an identification of aspects as essential to consider, this blueprint consideration and then addressed what was necessary to provide a comprehensive solution for offering a Hierarchy of Business Ecosystem Needs as a viable alternative to the current way we undertake business.

Let’s explore these considerations to ensure a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges at hand when building an ecosystem hierarchy for future growth and prosperity.

Being explicit about ecosystems in the context of organizational strategies provides several distinct advantages compared to traditional approaches. We increasingly need to consider ecosystems in our thinking and design to leverage more significant insights, extract knowledge and build on collaborative experiences and diversity of views.

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Closing out the year by transforming into innovation ecosystems

As we close out the year, I have been looking back and recognizing the transformation concept for innovation, which has been central to my work and, more importantly, moving forward in where I go in my innovating focus in 2024.

Here is the story as I look back at 2023……..

Once upon a time, in a world driven by innovation, there was a transformative concept known as the Integrated Framework for Innovation Ecosystems. This framework was not just a set of ideas but a guiding light for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers seeking to unlock the potential of innovation in various corners of the globe.

“At the heart of this story lies the understanding that innovation is NEVER a solitary endeavour; it thrives really well within ecosystems. Just imagine these ecosystems as intricate and interconnected sets of networks, bustling with activity, with thinkers and doers, where individuals, organizations, and institutions converged with a shared goal – to innovate and create value.

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Embracing the power of dynamic ecosystems.

Innovation’s power lies in the ability to adapt, evolve, and collaborate, and our need is to make this as much of a dynamic ecosystem as possible to tackle the growing complexity and challenges we are facing today and in the future.

In recent weeks, I have been deepening my thinking on innovation ecosystems and the dynamics within these that can make them different by giving them this “dynamic focus.”

So, it is time to embrace the power of dynamic ecosystems – where innovation excellence isn’t just a goal; it’s the very fabric of sustained success.

Dynamic ecosystems are not just about collaboration and innovation. They are also about adaptation and resilience. In today’s business landscape, where change is the only constant, businesses that can adapt quickly and effectively will be the ones that thrive. Dynamic ecosystems provide a framework for businesses to do just that.

Dynamic ecosystems are not just about individual businesses; they are about creating value for the entire ecosystem that businesses participate in.

Continue reading “Embracing the power of dynamic ecosystems.”