I have been looking forward to this book; it addresses one of the most important areas of innovation that we have, the service sector and discusses open services.
In this last week, I have been reading Professor Henry Chesbrough’s new book “Open Services Innovation: Rethinking your business to grow and compete in a new era”, published by Jossey-Bass, released last week on 18th January.
Services are critical to understand and focus upon, for our continued economic growth, for the ability to offer an often distinct and unique competitive advantage, as well as provide much of our future employment opportunities, especially crucial in the Western economies. Services today comprise roughly 80% of economic activity in the United States, and 60% of economic activity in the top forty economies of the world (source OECD).
Mixed Emotions
After reading this book a couple of times I must admit I had a set of very mixed emotions.
Continue reading “Taking the Open Services Innovation Road.”