Gary Hamel is amazing, he is constantly thinking about the future and lays out how to get there; he has been doing this repeatedly for years, this time it is discussing the innovation drags we presently have and how they are holding back the 21st Century business models.
One quote of his seems to hit home for me especially “The real brake on innovation is the drag of old mental models. Long-serving executives often have a big chunk of their emotional capital invested in the existing strategy”
A real big challenge is changing old mindsets but how?
Today, the value of Business model innovation seems to be a critical part of breaking out of the old and finding new avenues to growth and prosperity.
The trouble today is the existing mindset of the manager is often the major block to challenging the existing business model and working towards a real change.
This lack of realisation is increasingly allowing the young usurper, the entrepreneur, into seizing the opportunities and seizes the initiatives of the very growth needed by existing businesses. Continue reading “Shifting to the 21st Century Business models”