image via Michael Grills
There seems a lot at present going on around the Business Model and formulating its design. Following on from the Business Design Summit held in Berlin in April of this year there seems to be a gathering of momentum surrounding the Business model.
There is an awful lot of designing going on, actually it is hard to juggle with it all, even for me that has a 100% focus on innovation.
The Business Design Summit had as its primary question: “Are the Business Tools you are using relevant for today’s world?”
It went on to ask “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them, instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking”. “Your business ideas deserve better than PowerPoint and Excel”
The momentum is specifically aimed at Business innovation design tools and how to manipulate them and this is giving rise to the ‘school’ of tool-smiths. I wrote about the Business model canvas as set to explode in 2012 and events this year are certainly ‘exploding’ in multiple ways. Let me give some examples: Continue reading “Juggling Innovation around Business Model Design”