Pitching of the Interconnected Business Ecosystem Framework

The Interconnected Business Ecosystem driving impact and increased value.

I am working to validate and expand on the value proposition of the Interconnected Business Ecosystem Framework and have tried to create, hopefully, a compelling pitch that will bring others on board to advance this initiative. I have published this pitch on both of my primary sites, discussing innovation, business, and ecosystems, as they both provide a combination effect for understanding this framework.

I initially called this “the hierarchy of business ecosystem needs,” which built out an interconnected framework of business ecosystems that give organizations a real alternative to how they operate today and in the future.

I provided a comprehensive series of outline papers as the introduction phase earlier this year, which provided the concepts forming a cohesive outline structure of how organizations should think through the future. Also, I provided an earlier view on my paul4innovating.com posting site of “pitching business ecosystems opens up the possibility of real change.”

We need to really open our thinking towards collaborative ecosystems. This is one of openly collaborating and co-creating in different Ecosystem structures and designs to provide a greater diversity of opinions, knowledge, and resources.

This “pooling or network effect” forms around more complex challenges to tackle, thus giving a more sustaining and hopefully greater value in solutions to the needs of their customers, markets, or areas of need.

I have recognized this needed rebranding- hierarchy has some negative connotations.

I have now entitled this The Interconnected Business Ecosystem Framework as it reflects the essence of what I believe this framework provides

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Is Innovation evolving in the way I see it going?

Innovation is evolving, the future will be different

I have been asking Google’s Gemini a series of questions about innovation, how it has evolved in the past twenty-five years, and where it seems to be heading.

This is the third and final part of my questioning on looking towards the future and how innovation will evolve, starting from the original thread of looking over the evolution of innovation in the past twenty-five years, since 1999.

This post is about what has evolved and then what will evolve. There is a very different innovation pathway ahead of us, and then I touch upon a vastly different future at the end of this post.

Innovation will evolve very differently, linked tightly to the organization’s future design, no more cutting it loose, housed separately or outside the core.

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Have organizations become more collaborative over 25 years? What has enabled that?

Collaboration, Idealization and the enabling of innovation

I have have been looking back at innovation and how it has changed over the last twenty-five years. In a series of three posts, I have asked Google’s Gemini to answer five questions to track and trace the progress innovation has made and where it seems to be heading.

This is the second post looking more at collaboration and idealization and how and what has helped it evolve in this period. Hopefully, this change has enabled better value creation and learning how to innovate. (First post here)

So this post, in a series of three, looks at the answers given by Google’s Gemini on how collaboration and ideation evolved the organization’s ability to adapt and what helped.

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25 years of Innovation- how has it evolved? Has it been successful?

25 years looking back at Innovation’s evolution

I decided to hold a conversation with Google’s Gemini about how innovation had changed and hopefully progressed since I first became involved 25 years ago, when I lived in Singapore and was heavily involved in my MBA, which had innovation as an elective.

The MBA elective “hooked” me on innovation, and here I am 25 years later, still going on about innovation, championing, cajoling and encouraging innovation to be more central, disciplined and structured.

So I have taken the educational looking back from Gemini lense of perspective and broken this into three parts. I find it interesting and reaffirming. This is the first of these posts looking at the development, thinking and design of innovation from 1999 to today 2024, twenty-five years.

Innovation can be both highly frustrating and rewarding. It is good to gain a real sense of progress in these past 25 years; otherwise, where have I been?

I often feel innovation has not advanced in these past twenty-odd years, but having all the changes nicely summarized here makes me feel there has been a shape and purpose to be so actively involved in the evolution of innovation over these 25 years and been part of that evolution.

Firstly, this post outlines how innovation has evolved since 1999 and does a further recheck for 2019 until today. So, it covers a twenty-five-year period but recognizes that the last five years have seen a very different set of innovation accelerants.

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Achieving an Ecosystem AI-driven innovation engagement process

Combining Ecosystems, technology and GenAI to unlock innovation

The concepts of ecosystem innovation and generative AI has arrived at the point where we need to question workflows have the real poential openness has become central to our process of thinking and development building.

Innovation does need reinventing as a discovery process. Radically different ways of capturing, extracting, and delivering value are emerging. Adopting ecosystem thinking and design, combined with Generative AI, has the impact of augmenting, automating, and rapidly scaling innovation in significantly different ways than ever before.

In one of my posts, “Embrace AI-driven innovation; it is the future,” I looked specifically at how the (traditional) innovation management process will change. The deployment of AI-driven thinking utterly alters my perspective of “delivering” innovation.

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Should we step into the realm of Business Ecosystem Collaborations?

Exploring Complexities of Business Ecosystem Collaborations

Why should “we” step into the realm of ecosystem collaborations? What does one organization give away and has to overcome in constraints and organizational barriers that form part of those lingering concerns regarding embracing Business Ecosystems?

The question always starts with “do I not give away more than I have as an individual entity?” What would make this attractive is overcoming many of the unknowns. It is hard to know the cost/return/risks and value when you begin this journey. Do you give away intellectual property or gain more from collaborations?

Still, you have to contain the change and disruption by recognizing these unknowns are offset by the many immeasurable benefits that arise as you explore and exploit the collaborative benefits and scope and scale potentials.

“Would it make my organization a market challenger, provide first mover advantage? How would I contain the step process, and how would I see this taking shape?”

You do need to provide a compelling case that addresses these concerns.

I offer here many distinct aspects and strategic advantages. Collaborations are challenging but exciting and potentially rewarding, but they radically differ in how you conduct business. They are complex.

Business ecosystems give strategic advantages that offer levels of uniqueness and competitive advantage and can fulfil customer needs far more than “stand-alone” solutions.

Business Collaborations are needed more today due to growing complexities and challenges requiring a radically different unlocking method. The validation for such a radical change in operating this requires working through systematically. Let’s offer some of these here.

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The building blocks of open innovation lead towards Business Ecosystems.

The building blocks of open innovation building towards Business Ecosystem design.

By incorporating Open Innovation Strategies as the next building block, businesses can create a dynamic and expansive innovation ecosystem beyond internal and partnership and certain collaborative boundaries.

This approach supports a culture of continuous learning, adaptation, and external collaboration, positioning the organization for sustained success in an ever-evolving business landscape that recognizes and learns how to collaborate and co-create, moving towards recognizing the value of Business Ecosystems.

Embracing Open Innovation Strategies as the next building block complements the collaborative nature of Business Ecosystems and broadens the innovation landscape out into a world of new possibilities where collaboration, co-creation and cooperation become realised for building and delivering products, concepts, and services that have new unique value and impact.

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Examples of Businesses navigating complexity by fostering Ecosystems.

Several business organizations have committed to navigating complexity, fostering dynamism and originality in approaching innovation and business ecosystems.

These have been addressing and adapting to these rapidly evolving changes by quickly spotting and seizing the potential of exploring new ways to undergo business.

We all recognise that markets are changing, complexity is growing, and challenges are more formidable to manage without extended help. This requires all businesses to face rapidly changing business environments to design their response rates and abilities to react differently. How radical will this be?

It is the connecting up of opportunities with the ability to design the solution in highly exploratory and exploitative ways of learning that begin to break down complexity and see new ways to evolve. This is where Ecosystems in thinking and design come in.

By reacting and exploring, searching for change and competitive advantage, each company below has explored through technology and partnerships opportunities that build upon their Ecosystem’s unique strengths.

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Collective Learning needs to be applied to the Hierarchy of Business Ecosystems.

Paradigm shifts come from collective learning within a Business to build different Ecosystems.

How can we realize the power of ecosystem thinking and design and its growing value to enterprises? This will come through collective learning, exchanging and exploring a diversity of opinions and experiences. Achieving alternative perspectives enables a level of discovery that enables innovation

it is the need to embrace new organizational design that Ecosystem thinking needs to be considered for building a different approach to the new business needs based on the recognition that the way we approach management in markets is going through radical change.

Today, we face fast-changing markets, constant change and growing complexity; customers are opening up to different and diverse experiences, and it is learning and gaining new understanding and knowledge that will give us the more significant potential to expand and build out new value and growth opportunities.

Ecosystem thinking and design require continuous collective learning. We require different conversations.

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By Breaking Down Resistance to Business Ecosystems, we embrace them.

Breaking down Resistance to Business Ecosystems

Resistance to Business Ecosystems does need to be broken down and addressed to realize the power of Ecosystem thinking and design and its growing value to Enterprises.

So why are we not doing this today?

Adopting any business ecosystem-centric approach involves a significant shift in mindset, culture, and organizational structures.

While some forward-thinking organizations have embraced aspects of ecosystem thinking, there are several challenges and barriers that hinder widespread adoption.

In the suggested Hierarchy of Business Ecosystems, recognizing the value of an interconnected series of (dedicated) Ecosystems that build out innovation, business, dynamic flexibility, and connected enterprise layers does need to address the natural instincts to resist the adoption of business ecosystems in the fear of sharing what we know, against what we often don’t know as it is outside our restricted view.

The question is whether we need to recognise the opposite; it is the need to embrace building a different approach to the new business needs of fast-changing markets, constant change and growing complexity and opening up to different and diverse experience and knowledge gives us the greater potential to expand and build out new potential opportunities.

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