Where consultants contribute to innovation

Consultants contribution to innovation activity.

I have been concerned for quiet some time about the ‘state’ of the consulting industry when it comes to innovation. There are simply far too many out there offering pieces of the innovation equation. If I was a client I’d be getting fairly hacked off- different people, different approaches, styles, methods of working and that nagging feeling it does not fit any bigger picture.
How do we resolve this?
Combining all these islands of knowledge into some form of combined force would be a healthy step but before we go there I was thinking about what does an innovation consultant contribute and where?
Here are my opening thoughts on this: Continue reading “Where consultants contribute to innovation”

Seven deadly sins of bloggers

The Seven Deadly Blogging Sins to Avoid

I am a reluctant blogger, I tend to be someone that ‘reacts’ to others blogs. According to a ‘limited’ feedback I have been encouraged to start my own blog. I might regret this so I decided to provide as my first blog a piece of advise that I will try to avoid falling into, as typical sandtraps:
The Seven Deadly Sins of bloggers and aspiring thought leaders that we need reminding about.
1. Isolation
Blogging in increasing isolation and not having enough people reading and reacting to what you are suggesting. Then getting increasingly strident to gain people’s attention forgetting that too much sensationalism does not hold the attention long and thoughtfulness rules the day. Continue reading “Seven deadly sins of bloggers”

Revolutionize Your Business Growth through Strategic Partner Ecosystems

The increasing value of investing in Partner Ecosystems

In today’s highly interconnected business landscape, are you fully harnessing the transformative power of partner ecosystems to drive exponential growth and innovation?

There are so many avenues of opportunity to explore by taking a wider lens towards Partnering for your business

Let me help as a Business Ecosystem Strategist specializing in partner networks, to work through critical challenges that can make or break success in this new paradigm.

Continue reading “Revolutionize Your Business Growth through Strategic Partner Ecosystems”

Breaking Down Complexity to allow Dynamic Ecosystems for Innovation.

Navigating Complexity though Dynamic Ecosystems

Navigating complexity within the realm of Dynamic Ecosystems.

We all recognize that markets are changing, complexity is growing, and challenges are more formidable to manage without extended help. This requires all businesses to face rapidly changing business environments to design their response rates and abilities to react differently. How radical will this be?

Recognizing critical aspects provides organizations with a strategic framework that not only recognizes the challenges of complexity but actively leverages the dynamic nature of the ecosystem we need to build, to thrive in the future. To achieve this we need to break down existing complexity.

Complexity matters in recognizing what it inhibits and what needs unbundling so any future design of an organization or process is (attempting) to put into place the right processes, skills, and culture to make them more responsive, or dynamic. In any future design we can’t continue to behave in linear ways.

Continue reading “Breaking Down Complexity to allow Dynamic Ecosystems for Innovation.”

Let’s be clear about Innovation Ecosystems

Embracing Innovation Ecosystems for Evolution and Revolution

My definition of innovation ecosystems is that they are dynamic, interconnected networks of diverse actors and resources that come together to collaborate to drive innovation opportunity and create a more compelling value.

They are progressively replacing “just” innovation as this tends to be housed in one organization, to be developed and delivered on the resources and insights they have.

Innovation Ecosystems are richer due to this diversity, different knowledge and market intelligence that a broader group can bring into the creative thinking and market realization.

This interconnected community find ways to bring new ideas to market, built on their shared vision, having a collaborative and supportive environment to use, such as a shared platform, and able to reach out to a variety of resources that become accessible to all participants.

Continue reading “Let’s be clear about Innovation Ecosystems”