As we close out the year, I have been looking back and recognizing the transformation concept for innovation, which has been central to my work and, more importantly, moving forward in where I go in my innovating focus in 2024.
Here is the story as I look back at 2023……..
Once upon a time, in a world driven by innovation, there was a transformative concept known as the Integrated Framework for Innovation Ecosystems. This framework was not just a set of ideas but a guiding light for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers seeking to unlock the potential of innovation in various corners of the globe.
“At the heart of this story lies the understanding that innovation is NEVER a solitary endeavour; it thrives really well within ecosystems. Just imagine these ecosystems as intricate and interconnected sets of networks, bustling with activity, with thinkers and doers, where individuals, organizations, and institutions converged with a shared goal – to innovate and create value.
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