During this week, commencing 15th October 2023, I am discussing and explaining a framework for building innovation ecosystems on my ecosystem4innovators.com posting site.
I have been exploring for some time a transformative concept to move innovation into the world of ecosystems. I outlined my proposed innovation framework in the building blocks necessary. The extended series of posts over thirteen or so, are all here on this posting site, summarized in this post of “The building out of the Composable Innovation Enterprise Framework.”
The focus was on proposing to single entities, and now I want to extend this into the future need to build innovation ecosystems that enable and connect the essential components required.
I have found tools, techniques, and frameworks for discussing ecosystems reasonably daunting, so I set up a separate posting site on business ecosystems some years back for building understanding to cut through a lot of this, trying to keep my explainers reasonably simple and grounded in their need from the innovator’s perspective. The insights are intended to save multiple readers the time to investigate themselves and find a helpful ecosystem resource to build their understanding.
I have been exploring, researching and piecing together the innovation ecosystem and “housed” under “The Integrated Framework for Innovation Ecosystems“, which emphasizes its importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of value creation, knowledge transfer, co-creation and competitive positioning within innovation ecosystems.
We need always to recognize designing any framework would depend on specific goals and objectives, contexts and stakeholders involved. and within the dynamics of any innovation ecosystem. It follows a structured process of analysis, design and implementation. The end result would be a customized framework that aligns with the unique situation, challenge and complexity.
The beginning build of this framework thinking.
As of today, Monday (16th October), I would encourage you to read two essential and foundational posts if you want to build out your innovation ecosystem understanding.
Firstly I have presented a story, “The Story for innovation ecosystems needs to be explained”. I quote:
“At the heart of this story lies the understanding that innovation is not a solitary endeavour; it thrives really well within ecosystems. Just imagine these ecosystems as intricate and interconnected sets of networks, bustling with activity, with thinkers and doers, where individuals, organizations, and institutions converged with a shared goal – to innovate and create value. The value of business ecosystems needs to be highly dynamic. Four threads weave through innovation ecosystem designs.”
The second reference point is the importance of the job@hand
Here, I am outlining my job is to provide and build out an understanding of the value of this integrated framework for innovation ecosystems
“What would you need to do in set up, structure and design to gain an advantage from this thinking and proposed Integrated Framework for Innovation Ecosystems? Here, I provide an overview of the framework, its emerging value and its purpose.“
I cover nine building steps and describe guiding values, eight so far, within this “the job@hand.”
I plan to provide further posts on the four components I see as essential and integrally linked: value creation, knowledge transfer, co-creation and competitive positioning. These are positioning by 1) recognizing the interconnectedness, 2.) navigating the dynamic nature, and 3) measuring the multifaceted impact.
The foundation this framework provides
What the Framework Provides:
- Structured Approach: The framework offers a structured and comprehensive approach to understanding and supporting innovation ecosystems, emphasizing the critical components of value creation, knowledge transfer, co-creation, and competitive positioning.
- Interconnectedness: It highlights the interconnected nature of these components, fostering a holistic view of innovation ecosystems and their dynamics.
- Guidance for Decision-Making: The framework guides strategic decision-making, helping organizations and stakeholders make informed choices within the ecosystem.
- Measurement Metrics: It offers methodologies and metrics for measuring the multifaceted impact of innovation, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of outcomes.
- Real-World Relevance: Through connecting to a diverse range of stakeholders and different experiences and knowledge, the framework connecting points of these four components builds out real-world contexts, building different practical insights and inspirational points.
Framing challenges in a growing complex world needs real diversity of experience, knowledge and understanding; hence, there is a growing need to reflect on how you embrace innovation ecosystems in design and thinking.
The framework is a starting point, not a prescribed endpoint, that can be adapted, expanded or refined as you evaluate and appreciate a growing understanding of innovation ecosystems by emphasising the interconnectedness of the four key components.
I encourage you to begin to explore this through this link or this link that takes you to the ecosystem4innovators site and relevant introductory posts.