So do we have a clear understanding of where we are in our current innovation capabilities?
We have to establish a way to map our ‘terrain of innovation reality’ is not just how we are performing but what lost opportunities have slipped through. Why well simply because we lacked the awareness to seize on these opportunities when we first spotted them.
We have significant gaps in our innovation capabilities and competencies. Have you ever really audited them? Taken them through a structured examination?
We do need to achieve a ‘reality’ check or we stay in a state of, forgive me, ignorance. We don’t see the possibilities we only see what we know and in today’s world that is a loser’s position. We need to push ourselves but before we do, we do need to know where we are, what is possible and what will give us a real advantage in the marketplace
Through my work on building the Innovation Fitness Landscapes I look for what is relevant to you today and then structuring the place you want to be or go, by starting to address the questions: are we focusing on the right ones to deliver on the challenges you are facing?”, “what can you do differently?” and “how can you identify those critical ones needed”? and “how can these be structured to clearly move you to the new capabilities that are required?”
My role here is to be the guide towards building improved innovation capabilities and capacity
My role is to help in this task by identifying the opportunity spaces on where you need to focus your efforts‐ and apply the appropriate understanding and identify what resources are needed, so my job is to help you to navigate the terrain. Here is my journey outline described as a typical story that we all need to envision and go through.
Through an innovation fitness landscape plan, you can access where you are and what needs to be achieved to get you to the desired point you see as to where you need to be.
We call this “mapping the terrain of where you would like to be.” Your preferred place after you have accessed the competitive situation and what needs to differentiate yourselves, by being realistic about your present operational performance and rigorous evaluation of how you can perform.
This is asking those searching questions around whether you have the commitment, resources, and determination to make a significant change in changing your capabilities or capacities to innovate. How are you both internally coping in an era of challenging technology change conditions but equally how you are seen to be externally coping with the pressures, rigors, and changes occurring in your marketplace.
You need to arrive at your preferred place after you have first accessed the competitive situation. These lead you to discover what you might have or need to differentiate yourselves. You can learn about how realistic your present operational performance is measuring up. By performing a rigorous evaluation of how you can perform, whether you have the commitment, resources, and determination to make a significant change, you begin to get into the ‘right’ shape to think innovatively.
You start asking how you are internally coping in your innovation performance but equally how you are seen to be externally coping in the marketplace where the actual pressures, rigors, and changes are occurring. You are facing, perhaps for the first time, a reality check. Knowing your positioning and abilities gives you a clearer understanding of the innovation landscape and, most importantly, the terrain you have to travel.
Arriving at a clear point of view
The intent is that we have to arrive at a clear “point of view” of both the reality of where you are and where you would like to be. These have to be explicit, to achieve a conscious awareness. I believe we have to go through some very specific and recognized steps, I outline the nine stages we need to work through the process here. These stages are a mixture of discussion, investigation and structured analysis and diagnostics.
This set of reality checks needs a clear, defining pathway in how the organization will need to change, a level of clarity of how you see your innovation capacity is not at the required level.
Then we identify and describe the required outcomes of ‘fitness need’ of the structured work to be undertaken through the different parts of the Innovation Fitness Landscape assessment, establishing those capabilities you are likely to need, the more innovation dynamic capabilities.
It is establishing these, that drive your innovation performance towards your stated needs and goals, ones to close the gap in present capabilities and required ones.
This moving from the present to the preferred requires this journey across the mapped terrain and the nature and character of that journey need to be clarified, on what is needed from you and all the people involved to achieve your (transformation) goals. Those growing innovation dynamic capabilities become part of the enduring strategy that informs all those involved and mobilizes all that is needed to get you into this new innovation position.
The greater innovation fitness you achieve equates to more value creation potential you can generate.
These are the search for your dynamic points for innovation. These are unique to you, they make you distinctive. They lead you to new growth, new creations, new opportunities to innovate. You evolve. You continuously look to combine in different ways to stay ‘dynamic’ and sustaining. We are setting about building your innovation capital.
If you would like to learn more, then please contact me, and we can set up a clarifying conversation to talk through this specifically related to your unique position.
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