I started posting my thoughts on innovation in August 2010. I have written on this site alone, www.paul4innovating.com, by just coming up to a milestone of 700 posts focusing on innovation thoughts and opinions, so I just wanted to pause and think about all the different places I have tried to get the innovation message(s) out.
I always find the post-New Year to be a reflective part of the year of reviewing, deciding, and then setting new goals. This is a post about the sources of my knowledge that feeds my innovation passion.
Let me start. I often wonder whether the posts and articles I’ve written have been hitting the right buttons, helping solve the needs of those involved in innovation; I hope so. I have pushed out and explored various aspects, learning myself as I go. I have followed a number of great innovation thinkers and read different books on the areas of innovation.
It amazes me. How much is talked about, advice offered and sometimes that deep down nagging feeling, innovation understanding does not really change; it is the people managing it as they often seem to be simply passing through this innovation period onto other things or vanishing in pursuit of different career interests.
During this time, I have adopted and sometimes improved many innovative tools and methodologies or simply explored all the different ways to look at and investigate innovation. Reading and even contributing to different innovation books that have come out has added experience and contribution, but I do so often wonder that innovation seems not to have changed as much as I would have expected.
Innovation application and practice seem to have stayed stuck, largely due to how it is organized. The software has been increasingly proven and improved, mostly at the front end of the innovation process,but the whole innovation process or system stays in pockets of disconnected knowledge and fails to fully leverage the collaborative potential, insights or experiences of all involved if the innovation discovers to commercialization was open and supported by a clear ecosystem approach and strong, dedicated platform and technology-enabled environment.
Even with all the countless advice, ideas and concepts written by many, innovators still stay marooned on individual islands, lacking insights, alternative opinions and broader diversity in thinking. I wonder if innovation management has made the level of progress or remains still a little steeped in mystery and the big “big ah-huh” moment, often so vital to breakthrough innovation.
How can you just trigger multiple “ah-huh” moments? Having those insights are the wonderful moments of magic, and they still hold such power over our innovative thinking, sometimes unfairly judging our innovation process as “ad hoc”, but we must not deny us all to find ways to open up to a different way of innovation management through open, collaborative innovation engagement.
For me, it is necessary to grasp what Ecosystem thinking, and Platform design can do through all the connected technology and human collaboration this approach can provide. This is my primary focal point today.
I have doubled down on innovation more to prompt others.
More specifically, in my investigative travels, I developed a number of my own tools, frameworks or methodologies, or in numerous collaborations, especially with Jeffrey Phillips, a great sparring partner, the dialogues and exchanges have produced some good framing tools (in my opinion). Jeffrey has been writing articles and posts since 2005 and can be a great source of inspiration at Innovate on Purpose.
Equally, if you go to my dedicated page where I keep many of my tools and methodologies for easy reference here in this posting site insights and thinking, you get a fair amount of knowledge, collections and insights pulled together on this one tag or page. You can “search” on keywords and see what comes up.
I have with pride been constantly quoted, referenced or acknowledged as an innovative thinker and shaper, appearing for ten out of the last twelve years in the top 40 innovation bloggers, run and collated by Braden Kelley, who focuses today on Human-Centred Change and Innovation with a lot of good, helpful tools on his website.
On the academic side, I have been referenced 94 times in different papers, especially at Academia.edu. I have written for numerous organizations tailoring innovation to their specifics, be that Energy, Digital, Industrial and Software related on different length contracts commissioned. I like to equally contribute to different innovation practice references such as Future Shapers, occasionally Digital Transformation People run by Tim Ellis and consistently for BusinessInnovationBrief. I constantly feature posts or articles on LinkedIn and Medium as well. For my Energy Transition work, focusing on where innovation fits, I contribute to Energy Central, which has around 200,000 global power industry professionals visiting the site.
I run different innovation-related posting sites for my own innovation thinking, as innovation remains my core. I need to break out different parts of it to better focus a reader’s mind (and my own!)
I decided to try and separate my innovative thinking into more focused activities such as Ecosystems, the Energy transition, the Future of Work, Digital Technology, and of course, Innovation, so I can offer choice, greater depth or find a more selective place to write or clarify aspects of my work.
This one of paul4innovating.com, my core site, then one focusing specifically on ecosystems and platforms at ecosystems4innovation.com, one for where innovation fits within the energy transition over at innovating4energy.com where we are undergoing a transition in all of our lives.
I have two business advisory offerings, agilityinnovation.com, my main business offering that looks to find value creation, growth and impact from the advisory, coaching and mentoring work
Lastly, I wanted to have (simple) reference sites to delve into quickly; these are thinking4innovators, my advocating coaching and guiding site of Guide4innovating.wordpress.com and a final one that focuses on the dynamics of innovationfitnessdynamics.wordpress.com which clarifies where individual, groups or organizations are positioned on the innovation landscape for capabilities, capacities and competences.
I see myself as an innovation journeyman, learning and sharing.
I simply enjoy innovation in all its forms. I got ‘hooked’ twenty-plus years ago. I work as a transition advocate and advisor for innovation, and ecosystems, focusing today more on those massive transformations being undertaken across the energy system and industry 4.0, requiring radical changes, new designs and innovative solutions.
I relate content to context to give greater knowledge and build the transition narratives we are all undergoing. For this, I love the notion of walkabouts for learning and testing ourselves.
The value and insights come from researching much of the need for innovation; in society, businesses and institutions need to constantly look to develop novel innovation solutions and frameworks that add new value.
My primary role is advising, mentoring and coaching within these areas of innovation needs.
For me, innovation needs to enter the DNA of our organizations and our own individual makeup. What I do is deliberately set out to help grow and extend the body of knowledge on innovation.
I have taken this pathway or learning journey around innovation as it fascinates me.
Why have I written this?
Well, It is not just my journey but yours to share and gain from. The sharing of knowledge and insights provided for others to gain makes this dedicated focus worthwhile and keeps me ticking along in business advisory, coaching and mentoring around innovation when asked for advice or engaged in work on a client’s behalf.
Are you leveraging all the resources available and mentioned here? Take a look, explore, and then ask if something needs clarification or is missing from your perspective. I learn from the ask.
Contact me, and we can design your innovation journey tailored to your individual needs.