Seven deadly sins of bloggers

The Seven Deadly Blogging Sins to Avoid


I am a reluctant blogger, I tend to be someone that ‘reacts’ to others blogs. According to a ‘limited’ feedback I have been encouraged to start my own blog. I might regret this so I decided to provide as my first blog a piece of advise that I will try to avoid falling into, as typical sandtraps:
The Seven Deadly Sins of bloggers and aspiring thought leaders that we need reminding about.
1. Isolation
Blogging in increasing isolation and not having enough people reading and reacting to what you are suggesting. Then getting increasingly strident to gain people’s attention forgetting that too much sensationalism does not hold the attention long and thoughtfulness rules the day.
2. Neglect
Neglecting your knowledge source by not keeping it fresh enough is another common blogging sin. Forgetting your roots or true expertise and then ‘running ahead’ forgetting the contributions others provided to you to get you to this point.
3. Obstinacy
Obstinacy — the refusal to consider alternate courses of action — is another common bloggers sin. Never wanting to admit you were too harsh, plainly wrong or could have done it differently.
4. Favoritism
By choosing to blog on one subject only, and remaining indifferent to the others, a blogger becomes guilty of favoritism and eventually not balancing this one area in the real world of multiple options and considerations.
5. Myopia
The fifth bloggers sin, myopia, occurs when a blogger focuses too closely on the development of a single subject or preoccupation, simply just giving advice rather than focusing on building a sustainable practice. Anyone can create a single position to clarify personal vision. But lasting success can only be achieved as an ongoing development process.
6. Disconnection
Not including links between the different players and in so doing alienating sections of the community is the sixth bloggers sin. Even if they seem unrelated at first, linking them not only makes it easier for a growing understanding but moving a blogger from being just a purveyor of thoughts into someone that can lead and truly influence the community needs being fully alert and connected to the broad community..
7. Shortsightedness
Lastly, there’s shortsightedness, or not thinking far enough into the future to create a vision that links to why you are blogging in the first place. The beauty of the true ability to think is that you can delve into the future as far ahead as you like. How far ahead depends largely on what you want to achieve in your thought leadership or blogging.
Inspired by roadmapping deadly sins


0 thoughts on “Seven deadly sins of bloggers”

  1. Paul,
    Let me be the first to congratulate you on the new blog. Your first entry is spot on. And I suspect I fall victim (maybe quite often) to the sins you list. It is a good reminder.
    Thanks and have fun!

  2. Hi Paul,
    Yes congrats on starting bloggin. It’s one of the best things I/we ever did professionally speaking. And like Steve I am probably guilty of all 7 but don’t let that stop me.
    Enjoy the conversations!

  3. Hi Paul.
    A great start to your blogging career. Hopefully you’ll find blogging about innovation as interesting and thought provoking as I have. And, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of readers to keep you from shortsightedness and myopia.
    Good luck!

  4. Hi Paul: Like the others, I congratulate you on entering the blogsophere. You have a distinctive voice in the field of innovation, and a deft way of putting things. More than once, you’ve helped me to see new ways of expressing thoughts that I would have approached clumsily.
    Good luck to you!

  5. Hi Paul,
    Several of these sins seem familiar 😉
    I disagree with #4; in fact, I believe the opposite is true. As a reader, I want to be able to select blogs on the basis of whether their topic interests me or not. If I’m interested in Mozart’s piano sonatas and there is a blog on exactly that topic, then that’s all I’m interested in reading about there. I value this as consistency.

    1. I agree with you Graham, consistency and focus are greatly valued. Sin 4- favoritism- is when you blind yourself and ignore that there is alternative music out there and although the Mozart piano sonata is what you are wanting to hear, other sounds can stimulate you as well. Innovation is made up of many different sounds (and opinions) and we can’t stay wedded to one type if it does not solve the problem, we need to consider the options. It is still a sin to just favour one in a world of possibilities. I have just laid out my blogging intent for this site, now I have to strive for some consistency so you get that value- cheers Paul

  6. Hi there Paul
    Good start! 🙂 Although there’s a certain irony in your first blog post being about how not to blog – maybe Sin no. 1 should be “Not Blogging at All” :p You’d better keep it up now!
    I think you could also take your sins and apply them to anyone aspiring to become a thought leader of any sort – all good solid advice.
    Boris Pluskowski

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