Offering You An Innovation Coaching Methodology

Coaching offers real benefits for innovation. For instance, in Leadership Coaching, the results offer an ROI on the initial investment of nearly SIX times on average.

Can you imagine this X return factor going through the roof, going way beyond the initial investment if the innovation outcomes ‘take off?

One that delivers the level of growth across the organization’s business, partly gained from a greater awareness of innovation through coaching and how to then apply these different levers within its application to achieve this X return?

It often puzzles me the lack of investment we make in coaching, mentoring, or even facilitating innovation with the use of an external innovation expert. That should change and this is one of my personal goals to contribute to this intent as outlined in my Building a Strong Advocacy Practice on the launch of this site and service.

Let’s look at a possible innovation coaching methodology here

Are you aware we all pass through 4 distinct stages when it comes to learning and being coached? Continue reading “Offering You An Innovation Coaching Methodology”


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