Return Value Back to Knowledge

Let’s return knowledge back to knowledge!” “Let’s return value back to knowledge” This held my attention.

So now I want to draw this to your attention, the underlying story. I was recently invited to join the Future Shapers as a contributor and I was delighted to be accepted as a future shapers contributor. this is my profile link.

There are some strong reasons to add my voice to this group so I wanted to share this with you here on my main posting site

Normally I would not try to merge my posting site with others unless I have some growing level of involvement, contribution or strong identification with. Well, this is one of those but I first wanted to wait before I publicize it here, as the official launch of a funding project kicked off late last week in Madrid,(link) that radically gives it a really different meaning, one to draw to your attention as it is radically different.

So let me explain why, so I have provided the outlines of the story below in their words

Not only do I identify with its position but when you begin to explore the other contributors you can see the value for all innovators. Let one of the founders tell the story.

All I am doing it is being a conduit to this story as I believe it does have a real future value and quite frankly, a real market needs to cut through so much “clutter” that does not add a body of knowledge to advance our innovation understanding.  It often bewilders us and actually stops us actually progressing with conflicting messages, half stories or incomplete understandings. We need different ways to ‘raise the bar.’ Much of this poor thinking on innovation holds back building a real innovation movement, one that becomes the core of any new value-adding activity within our Enterprises.

So the thinking, rational and emerging business proposition

A recent thought piece by @rcopland73  one of the founders entitled From the Rock Market to the Stock Market is an introduction to how  the future shapers platform is set to raise their game to the next level around innovation thought pieces, returning the value back from a growing stock of fresh innovation knowledge contributors to provide others committed to understand and make innovation work, a better return of their invested time.

Richards article sets off a raw nerve for me. Does it for you? In his words:

“In the past, I (Richard) have written about our founding principle being ‘Next Generation Organisations deserve Next Generation guidance’ and our community of Future Shapers sole aim of helping businesses and other organizations to shape and create innovation-led futures. We also believe in practicing what we preach and are boldly re-imagining the digital provision of thought leadership and essentially digital news journalism around innovation; how it is produced and delivered, how it is funded and most importantly, how it can serve macro, global and diverse communities, not advertisers.

A value intent gained from offering knowledge

“The growing, unmet demand for high-quality, trustworthy and value-adding thought leadership in innovation has manifested in a significant business opportunity. Having already provided 2-years of innovation thought leadership that has reached tens of thousands of readers we have a fantastic plan for revenue growth and will be one of the first media companies in the Innovation Thought Leadership domain to seize this rare moment to reinvent an industry.

Fewer stories of importance are told or heard. Less and less independent cutting-edge thought leadership is created. The Future Shapers and our innovative platform intend to change this”.

Growth will be driven by millennials and senior executive technologists, our core audience.

“We have identified a target audience of early adopters — influential and engaged executives and agents of change who are deeply passionate about innovation and are increasingly able and willing to pay for quality trustworthy thought leadership.

The genesis of what we are going to do is putting content on a blockchain, and having the connectivity for peer-to-peer transactions – via a digital currency such as Bitcoin or a smart contract such as Ethereum – allows complete transparency and automation of execution, as well as direct payments to copyright holders”

Become a Founding Member of The Future Shapers

“We are now looking to take our platform to the next level. Our goal; to build the largest innovation thought leadership reader base and be considered as the go-to-place for innovation insight. As such, we’re extending our digital platform to enable the re-correlation of knowledge to value. We plan to develop an Ethereum smart contract to enable and support our pay as you read model. We passionately believe that single article sales are the future of online media and we are asking for your help and contributions to assist us in bringing it to life.

We’re asking you, our technologists and agents of change, to fund this new model of innovation thought leadership. Not to donate so a few more blogs can be written about a hot topic or two, but rather to invest in a long-term solution to the provision of well researched, consumable, value-adding thought leadership.

Just as we believe that great thought leadership is now needed like never before, we believe that media that exists to serve our community of readers via a value-adding product should be worth paying for. So, help us build the next generation of media platforms by becoming a Founding Member of The Future Shapers”.

Future platforms for building next-generation advice

“We believe next-generation organizations need next-generation advice supported by a next-generation platform. We are focused on the goal of returning value back to knowledge and as part of our plans, we will be crowdfunding with Crowdcube over the coming weeks.

We passionately believe we have a compelling solution that will disrupt digital media and we are asking for your help and contributions to assist us in bringing it to life. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact us at

From my perspective, I will certainly plan to write further for them and clearly, this knowledge, value, innovation and the future, is just one of my thought pieces bubbling away in the back of my mind to add further support to this initiative.

I certainly hope this future shaper does take off and delivers as the founders want. It is one that holds a promise that will build innovation knowledge sharing in a new different way, something I strongly identify with. Get in touch with them and find out more on how you can assist them in their objectives.
